What is a tummy tuck? A tummy tuck, medically-termed an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure to repair stretched or split abdominal muscles, remove excess skin, fat, and tissue, and create a firmer, more attractive abdomen.
Should I get a tummy tuck if I am planning to have more children?
Women considering pregnancy in the future are recommended to wait to schedule their surgeries until they’ve completed their families. Although a tummy tuck won’t affect your ability to carry a child to term, some of the aesthetic benefits of the procedure may be reversed by a future pregnancy.
How long will it take to recover from a tummy tuck?
If you have a surgical tummy tuck, you need to plan for two weeks off work at low-intensity jobs, and three to four weeks for work duties that involve more physical motion. The early stages of recovery are the most uncomfortable, but you will have prescription pain medication to help keep you comfortable. In addition, Dr. Kim utilizes a long-acting pain medication, Exparel, during surgery that will help you with initial pain for the first three days.