Does a tummy tuck lift your pubic area?
A tummy tuck, medically called an abdominoplasty, is a procedure used to enhance your tummy’s cosmetic appearance. This is achieved by combining various methods, such as repairing the stretched abdominal muscles, removing excess or unwanted skin flaps, removing excess fat tissues, and sculpting the abdomen for a firm and attractive appearance. However, since the tummy region is close to the public region, some wonder if a tummy tuck also lifts the pubic area.
Does a tummy tuck automatically lead to pubic lift?
A tummy tuck doesn’t include a pubic lift because it focuses on contouring the belly region, tightening the skin and muscles in your midsection. In some cases, the general trimming and contouring of your midsection can improve your pubic region’s general appearance, though that isn’t intentional.
However, in other situations, a tummy tuck may make your pubic region more prominent. If your pubic region is sagging, a tummy tuck won’t provide enough of a pubic lift. Removing the excess skin and fat tissues from your belly may make your mons pubis (the fleshy part above the vaginal cleft) more visible.
Should I combine a tummy tuck with a pubic lift?
Pubic lift, medically called a monsplasty, is a surgical procedure used to raise, flatten, and tighten the excess skin and fat tissues around the pubic bone. Depending on the condition of your pubic region, your cosmetic surgeon may combine several different surgical methods. Pubic lift often includes surgery to remove excessive and drooping skin tissues, and liposuction to remove unwanted fat deposits from the pubic region.
You can opt for a pubic lift as a standalone procedure, but most people combine a tummy tuck with a pubic lift for optimal aesthetic benefits. The tummy tuck removes all the excess fat and skin tissues from the midsection, tightening and flattening your abdominals. The pubic lift does the same from the pubic region, providing a perfectly-proportionate profile.
What are the benefits of combining a tummy tuck with a pubic lift?
The presence of excess skin and fat tissues around the mons pubis doesn’t just affect your cosmetic appearance and confidence. Women often report that an enlarged mons pubis also leads to difficulty during urination and intercourse. You may also feel self-conscious about the appearance of your mons pubis, which can significantly affect your sexual life and intimacy.
Combining a tummy tuck with a pubic lift enhances your confidence, improves your sexual experience, and restores urinary function. It also streamlines your body’s profile, allowing you to wear slim-fitting dresses without concerns or self-consciousness.
Dr. Kim can discuss your tummy tuck and pubic lift options.
Dr. Kim specializes in tummy tuck, and she’s helped several women achieve their cosmetic ideals. During your consultation, Dr. Kim will examine your body and discuss your expectations to determine if you need a pubic lift with a tummy tuck.